Let's Golf
Our Mens Club is headed up by Roger Williamson as President along with
Clarence Doweny as Committee Chair and Paul Hyduma as Handicap Chair.
We meet every Tuesday Night from 4pm to 7pm. No tee times required.
Anyone wishing to join the cost is $50.00. This will give you a RCGA Handicap.
After the game come and join us for a featured weekly supper Special
or order our Famous Hot Wings or Nachos, a couple of the items on our menu.
*Monthly Tournaments
*Weekly 50/50 Draw
*Weekly chance at Closest to the Hole
*Featured Weekly Supper
*Weekly Blind Tournament
Contact one of the following Executives to join
Roger Williamson 935-2534
Clarence Doweny 935-2075
Paul Hudyma 768-0919
First Mens Night is April 20/10